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The Inspiration Behind the Design Series - Clarity in Confusion

Chris Stroud

Updated: Dec 26, 2024

The inspiration behind the design series aims to inform our customers/followers about how we came up with the idea for our designs. Ultimately, all of our designs come from God's vision given to us in some way. In any case, each blog in this series will focus on one design from its birth to its first sale.

Clarity in confusion.

I think everyone has an escape.

Whether it be a person, an activity or a sport.

We all have something that we've used to escape from the reality of the world we live in.

Even if it is only for a brief moment.

Some turn to gambling.

Or to the gym.

Or to partying.

The choices are endless.

But as Christians, there is only one place that we turn to.


God is our clarity in confusion.

Logically speaking, this has to be seen as the most sensible option when looking to escape from the world.

After all, if we're trying to escape from the pressures of the world, why not go directly to the one that created it?

In my first ever blog, I eluded to the pressures that are put on young people nowadays. At school and at home, young people are encouraged to follow the pattern set out for them by society.

I'm all in for wealth and success.

But following God's pathway for you - MUST be the priority.

And 9 times out of 10, God's plan for you will not be the same as the plan that others are forced into in society.


A personal testimony

The reason I possess such passion for this topic is because I have lived and learnt from this situation in my life.

As an 18 year old graduating from one of the best schools in the country, I felt inclined to go to university.

Little did I know that my brain was aching for a break from the structured form of education.

A messy break up coincided with one of the strongest moments of my adult life.

The decision to drop out of the University of Queen Mary only 3 weeks into my 3 year degree.

I knew my parents would be disappointed.

But at the same time as I was going through these doubts, I had started my walk with Christ seriously.

I felt a sense of urgency from my creator that what I was doing wasn't what He had planned for me.

I remember the exact moment I made the decision.

Sitting in QM's library, I was miles behind on my landscaping project.

I was rushing to catch up.

And then this feeling hit me.

I literally don't care about this.

I laughed.

I'm meant to care about this but I don't.

Society says I should care about this degree but I don't.

I believe from that point onwards - my mentality had completely changed.

I wasn't going to do what was expected of me from this world, but I was going to do what God had planned for me.

As my creator, only He knows what makes me tick. Only He knows what His plan is for me.

As I walked down Mile End high street, I was the happiest I had been in a long time.


Because, these were my first faith steps with my walk with Christ.

These were my first steps towards Hosea Clothing.

Amongst the chaos of deciding what I wanted to be in my life...

God was my clarity in confusion.

Now 23, the last 5 years have truly been a wonderful walk with Christ.

Filled with a lot of adventure and soul searching.

Of course I had my journey with football and if you'd like to know more about that check out the video below or the blog titled "Our Journey so far."

I would quickly like to add that I am not against university at all.

I am about to move into my third year of a business degree that I thoroughly enjoy.

I believe in coming to Christ first for your direction, rather than succumbing to society's pressures.


My advice to young people

So simply put.

My advice to young people is to learn from my experiences.

To follow God, rather then society, when delving into what you want to do in your life.

In my previous blog, I talked about how the younger generation are so concentrated on standing out from the crowd through their image - that they are actually losing their individuality.

Rather than doing things for themselves.

They are doing things to impress others.

But common sense should prevail to Christians.

Society didn't create you.

God did.

So when making a decision with your life and career...

Go back to the One who made you.

Society provides the confusion.

God is the clarity.


Hosea Clothing Worship Connect night

I feel like this is the perfect time to include that we're planning to create a Hosea Clothing Worship Connect night.

A strict 1 hour of worship, preaching and connection to help the youth in the world.

Entry will be free.

But as a small brand - for this department - donations will be very welcome!

We're looking to do it in London to start with but a location has not be decided as of yet.

The format will consist of worship and preaching that will be rotated in the community.

I really believe in giving youth the chance to express and develop their skills so that they may use this in their everyday lives for the glory of God.

The last segment of the night allows attendees to connect with each other.

I view this as an opportunity to mentor and collaborate with other like minded Christians.

Helping others through Christ with their career, education and general lifestyle.

If this sounds of interest to you, leave a comment down below.

I will be swiftly creating a sign up document as well!



Clarity in Confusion is one of my favourite designs.

The design is available in a black hoodie and in a white tee.

With both products the confusion is spelt backwards.

It is only when the user looks in the mirror, that the word confusion can be seen clearly.

The reason behind this?

It is only when we look to God; can we understand His purpose for us on this earth.

I never thought I would use a mirror as an analogy for God!

The cross on the back provides onlookers with the knowledge that it is Christ that is our Clarity in Confusion.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

Sign up to our mailing list to keep updated with everything Hosea!

Season 5 is due to be released on the 23rd November with pre order available on the 16th.

Stay Blessed and God Bless,

Chris Stroud

1 Comment

Nov 20, 2018

Thanks for sharing! Enjoyed reading it :)


Hosea Clothing Ltd

+44 7860620211

London W5 1AJ, UK

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